уторак, 19. мај 2015.

Short tips about important things

   According to some researches, Belgrade is commonly found on top of lists for best night life. But, there are some things that every visitor must know so he or she can take the best memories from Belgrade.

   1. To much brandy. If you overdrive yourself with traditional Serbian drink, šljivovica for example, you can feel warmth in your chest and you will most likely hug toilet. Advice is that you drink 3 or 4 shots maximum.

   2. Opening the window. It's believed that you can catch cold from drift, even die. So citizens in Belgrade rarely open window in a bus, even when it's hot. They don't go to sauna during the summer, they simply go for a bus ride.
   3. Enjoying onion. Learn to enjoy onion before coming to Serbia, eat it every day, because you will eat it as an apple in Serbia.

   4. Don't say anything bad about Novak Djoković. He is like a national hero for some. Some extremes are that you can get tied up, feed with onion and you will be forced to watch domestic series (which you don't want to, no matter what).

   5. Paying public transport. Functioning of public transport is an economic mystery, because no one pays the ticket. If you decide to do such a thing, you will feel wrath of other passengers, because they will stare at you like you are some criminal.
   6. Visiting fancy rafts. Don't go to the rafts where you stand to far from the dance floor and you drink expensive import beer. You will get better fun on smaller rafts or in taverns, where dancing on tables is usual until dawn.
   7.Standing near the window on the New Year's eve. Serbs love to wait New Year at their homes, and that can be dangerous if you are standing next to the window.

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