уторак, 19. мај 2015.


   During the whole year, Savamala is one of the most visited quarts of Belgrade. With the start of nicer weather, this industrial part of the city visits a lot of visitors, because clubs race to have the best program. No matter from which side you come, you will find some place that will attract you. Don't let unsightly outside of the clubs bluff you, because here is one different rule - the worst club is outside, the best fun is inside.
   Main street in Savamala is Braće Krsmanovića street,from where you can hear a mixture of different music genres. First club you will encounter is KC"Grad", which is located on the right side. Here you can see a lot of performers and good parties.
   Just across the street, there is a whole different world, because in "Čorba kafe" main visitors are rockers. Right next to the KC"Grad", just recently was opened first stand-up comedy club in Serbia - "Ben Akiba", where guests warm up their belly's with a laugh. Of course, some music is also always played.
   If you continue few meters straight and if it Friday or Saturday, you will see a huge line of people - that's "Peron" and be sure that you will find an excellent fun there. Cafe "Prohibicija" is definitely one of the warm-up places in this party zone. Clubbers love to go there first before going to a party in some of the clubs around.
   "Mladost - Ludost" always make a great atmosphere. Piece of advice here is that you come before midnight, because there can be a lot of people waiting to enter. On the other side, "Mikser haus" is designed to give visitors different types of fun, which means concerts,shows, presentations and parties.
   On same address, but with separated entries and two different stories are "Depo" and "Monsun". "Depo" organizes huge electronic parties, but also fashion shows and some smaller tootles. Next entry is reserved for "Monsun", who became one of the leading spots in the city for going out right after his opening. Rock, hip-hop, electronic and many more parties can be found here.
   Club "Brankow" is different from the others, because its pretty fancy place. Everything is new here, so a crew that assembles here is a bit different, and expensive drinks are commonly seen in this club, just as non-stop dancing.

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