уторак, 19. мај 2015.

Business meetings

   Business meetings are very important in today's society. Whether you are going on a job interview or you are already working at some company, there are numerous business rules about how you should behave in a business meeting, 

   First, it's polite that you introduce people that are working with you. Whenever you have a chance, introduce them, because that gives them a feeling that they are admired no matter what they do. 
When you greet someone, it's considered polite that you handshake with your partner. That gesture shows that you are also self-confident and accessible and that can make a huge impact for your future cooperation. Always say "please" and "thank you", because even in the relaxed business atmosphere, these two words are considered as an imperative. 
   It is rude to interrupt someone while he or she is talking, so don't do that. It also shows that you don't respect other people opinion. When you are about to talk, chose wisely your words. Even thought verbal and written communication today is becoming more and more informal, your words can't possibly be spoke in slang language, because that will show that you aren't taking the meeting seriously. 
    It's offensively to even think that you have right to interrupt someone in his business, so don't thrash into someones office. Knock or great if the doors are open, and than ask for a moment of time. If you know that your conversation will last longer than few minutes, it would be wisely to call or e-mail first, so you can agree about the best time for your conversation. 
    Subjects that are highly recommended to avoid are topics about religion and politics, because your never know what attitude your partner have about those. 
    One of the most important things is that you must be always accurate. Being late doesn't mean that you have more work to do than others, it shows that you are reckless and nobody loves that kind of person. Also, during the meeting, your phone must be turned off, and you should focus on your meeting, not on some other stuff. Don't speak on the phone, text SMS or check your e-mail, because that shows you aren't respecting your colleagues. Show some interest be keeping an eye contact, hearing what others are saying and ask questions about the topics. 
   You shouldn't give your visit cards to every person you meet. It is polite that you first ask for theirs, or tell them that you can leave them your visit card for further contact.

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