четвртак, 7. мај 2015.

Dos and don'ts when visiting someone in Serbia

        When you are visiting someone from Serbia for the first time, you should probably be aware of a few manners, which Serbian people are expecting you to know already.
       For example, when you come to someone's house for the first time, you should bring a gift to your hosts. Usually, it's a coffee, biscuits and maybe some vine. When you enter the house, it's  expected that you take off your shoes when you enter the house, which Serbian folks picked up from Turkish tradition. Next, you must take off your hat, if you have one, as the sign of respect. After you sit in the living room, you will be offered with rakija, traditional Serbian drink, most likely šljivovica, which is like a plum brandy, but way more stronger. Serbs are proud of this domestic product and you'll hardly find a house without it. All strangers should know how to drink rakija,  since it is very strong. It is  almost disrespectful to refuse  rakija and if u don't feel like drinking any more, you should leave some in the bottom of the glass because when when your hosts see it's empty, they will keep pouring more.

          Also, it's a tradition to be offered with domestic (Turkish) coffee.Traditionally, all guest in a Serbian home are greeted with a spoonful of  slatko and a cup of water as soon as seated. Slatko is a thin fruit preserve made of fruit or rose petals in Serbian cuisine. It's acceptable to take one more spoon of slatko, but if you ask for it third time, it is regarded as an improper behavior, although usually granted. 

Slatko made of quince

     Usually, you will be offered to eat and it is considered polite to do that. Also, your hosts will be offering you more and more and more food.

1 коментар:

  1. you typed "enter the house" twice in one sentence, but despite that, i found this post very interesting and i think you should write something about weddings in Serbia, or something like "dos and dont's when travelling through Serbia by car''. good job!
